Privacy Policy

Who we are

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Our Commitment to Privacy

WrestlingCustoms247 is committed to protecting the privacy of those using our site and the confidentiality of the personal information which our customers provide us with. We use the information we collect to provide services and to ensure that your order is processed smoothly. Beyond that we only use personal information if volunteered by you. We will not sell personal information or share personal information with third parties unless these are involved to fulfil your order.

At WrestlingCustoms247 we use the information we collect to serve our customers in the following ways:

When you place an order, we need to know your name, e-mail address, delivery address and payment details. This allows us to process and fulfil your orders and to keep you up to date on their progress.

We are always interested to hear our customers’ points of view on products, and customers may vote and review on products. We reserve the right, however, not to publish any comments which violate site guidelines.

We will never sell personal information or share personal information with third parties unless these are involved to fulfil your order.

Your personal information is safe with Wrestling Shop

At WrestlingCustoms247, data security is one of our highest priorities and we do our utmost to protect the data you provide. When you place orders or access your account information, we offer the use of a secure server. The secure server software (SSL) encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. For more information go to our site Security guarantee. The confidentiality of your data will be protected at all times.


Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. WrestlingCustoms247 uses cookies to recognise when you return to WrestlingCustoms247, and greet you when you login. Cookies also enable us to gain information about the use of our services and to enhance our site according to the preferences of our customers.

Should you have further questions regarding our privacy policy, please refer by contacting us. Our customer service also helps you if you need information about your data or if you would like to have data corrected. If a change of our privacy policy should become necessary you will always find the actual version on this page.